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Critical for success:

Connect and network with other vacation homeowners!

Web Site: http://OwnerCommunity.HomeAway.com/
Subscribe: NONE

Description: FREE.  A web site devoted to vacation rental owner.  Hosted by HomeAway.com.  The Director and Editor of the website and Host of the Internet Radio Show (Podcast) is Christine Karpinski. On this site, you'll find articles on strategies for renting, advertising, furnishing, maintaining and enjoying your vacation rental property written by Christine Karpinski.

Check it out for the latest information, including “How to Rent Vacation Properties by Owner Internet Radio Show,” updated news, tips & advice, industry trends and developments.



Web Site: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/vacation_rentals/
Subscribe: vacation_rentals-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

Description: FREE.  The web's largest group dedicated to the discussion of Vacation Rentals. Topics include: where to advertise, where to go, deposit policies, leases, cancellations, Room and Sales Tax, early check-out, keeping renters happy, calendars, guestbooks, and much more. Open to all involved or interested in vacation rentals. Join now and view hundreds of past tips and suggestions.

Got questions? Ask over 2500 fellow vacation homeowners and vacationers for help and advice. Members include vacationers, rental website owners, suppliers, book authors and many other folk involved in making vacation rentals the best way to get away from it all. New members are requested to visit Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (under Links) before posting a new message which may ask a question that has previously been discussed.



Last modified: 7/5/2007