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"Secrets of the Happy Home Inspector - Your Guide to a Comfortable and Confident Inspection Experience" by Wallace J. Conway

ISBN # 0975545701
Hardcover - $29.95

Wouldn't you love to unravel the mystery of the home inspection? In this fun and fact-filled book, you'll gain the knowledge needed to use the home inspection to bring comfort, confidence and closing to the home buying experience.
Quite simply, this is the most useful book ever written on the subject of home inspection. Wally Conway is the only home inspector to author a book on the interaction and relationships of all the people needed to close the contract.  Order the "Happy Home Inspector"
 Whether your role in real estate is as homebuyer, seller, lawyer, lender, builder, or real estate agent, this is book is an essential read!
Wally Conway is Featured on DYI network and HGTV.           

"Secrets of the Happy Home Inspector - Your Guide to a Comfortable and Confident Inspection Experience" by Wallace J. Conway

Christine read this book and loved it! She recommends anyone who is is purchasing vacation property read it too!

Christine's review of this book: 

A book on "Home inspections??" -come on get real. Why do I need to read a book about Home inspections?

I read this book NOT because the topic interests me, but because I felt I should.  I am a professional speaker and author who teaches investors how to buy vacation homes.

I read this book to help my clients. When you purchase vacation homes (most often from a distance), home inspections are an integral part of the purchasing process. So naturally I should read everything on this topic to educate myself...

I opened up the book and started to read the about the "about the author" page...The author is a of course an experienced home inspector, but also retired navy pilot-- oh, double joy, not only was I embarking on a journey of overly detailed information on a topic I was not excited to read, but I had visions of TV's "Major Dad"...he's going to belittle me and yell at me in the process.

Well let me say, Wow! Wow! Wow!

Only Wallace Conway could have written a book on such a boring and dry topic, filled with with detailed information and made it interesting to read. I read it like a "I can't put it down, engaging, page-turning novel!" I even laughed out loud during many of the anecdotal stories. This book engaged me from the first page. I read this book from cover in one day!

Now I can see why HGTV Hired this guy to be their Detective Inspector...he's competent, charming AND funny!

From the start of this book to the very end, Wallace fills this book with critical facts and logical and sometimes not so logical mistakes sellers, buyers, Realtors and even inspectors make. He fills in the facts with poignant examples to paint clear pictures of every situation.

For me, he clarified the matter building codes. Wallace explained how when you purchase a home today that was built 50 years ago you cannot expect things to be to today's building codes. He used the analogy of the vintage T-Bird. Even though the T-Bird does not adhere to today's safety codes with airbags, antilock breaks, etc, it does not mean that you can't drive it. As long as the home was built to code at the time of building then it should pass your home inspection (but I still think that a good inspector should still point these things out to the buyer).

This is a book that I feel every single person who ever buys a home should read.

I have purchased numerous properties and hired many home inspectors. I thought I was pretty educated on the topic. Boy was I wrong! Thanks Wallace Conway for opening my eyes and for writing such a great book. Christine Karpinski




Last modified: 7/5/2007