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Read what past seminar attendees have to say about Christine's seminars!

" Christine,
  Let me say again. That was a great Seminar! I'm going through my notebook in an effort to implement those things you taught. I am following your instructions. I finished getting one of the houses on the Internet and in 2 days, I have received 3 contacts; 2 emails and 1 phone call. I am very encouraged. I was skeptical about renters finding my listing among the many others that look the same. I'll stay in touch; please do the same.

" Hi Christine,
I really enjoyed the seminar and meeting fellow condo owners from Maravilla. I thought the seminar went really well. You really answered a lot of questions. I have the last 5 days of December booked already!

" Hi Christine,
Just a note to thank you for the very informative seminar at Holiday Surf. Both Barry and I learned a great deal. Also, thanks for the documents in electronic form! That will save me a lot of time typing, and they are so thorough. Please add us to the networking list. I would like to have owners' names for some other condos to send referrals to when ours is booked (always thinking positive! You gave some great advice, and we've been following it. Thanks again for a great seminar,

     and 8 months later she wrote….
"We've been quite successful in renting our 2 condos at Maravilla this season. I only gave one break on our price (back in the spring) and are pleased that we 'stuck to our guns' about our rates, as you suggested in your seminar.


Christine, Thanks for the info. I've been meaning to write to you and tell you how much Jan and I enjoyed the seminar. Please do put me on the networking list.
Thanks again!

   I enjoyed taking your seminar. Please keep me on your list. I am working to rent my own condos and hope to be on line with all soon! Again thank you.
P.S. Please keep me plugged in to the networking "

" Hi Chris,
Thanks for a great seminar yesterday. Both Jim and I enjoyed it and learned a lot!! We are planning on getting our place online ASAP.
Thanks again,

" Christine,
I will be managing my properties as of Dec 20. Thanks for your encouragement.
Gloria "

"Hi Christine,
Thanks for all the good info you pass along to everyone. You are really a nice hub of information! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Take care,

"Christine, I just wanted to somehow repay you for your kindness in helping me rent on my own. Your advice and words of encouragement have enabled me to take a chance that I would have never dreamed of. I am reminded that even though you don’t know me, your willingness to help, me is constant. God has truly blessed you and you’re certainly a blessing in my life. I had my first renter this week, and I have snowbirds for Dec—Mar. Wow!
Thanks again for allowing God to work through you.


Last modified: 7/5/2007